Sharp Lead and Wet Ink-Tales from the Art Side

This Blog is dedicated to my pursuit of getting published. I have been plying away at this for almost two decades with limited success. I am not looking for fame or fortune, although it would be a nice side benefit, but rather an opportunity to create and express myself. There are many talented artist out there that have helped me along the way and I am hoping that my getting published will be payback for all of the time that they have invested in me.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This image is the next of my sketches referenced from DC Comics' Justice Society of America. This character is Power Girl, the muscle of the group.
Check you out next post.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Looks like Liberty Belle is becoming a favorite of mine. This is a full figure shot done in ink. It was a pretty quick and rough layout that I finished up in the inking stage.

Looks like Liberty Belle is becoming a favorite of mine. This is a full figure shot done in ink. It was a pretty quick and rough layout that I finished up in the inking stage.

I recently read the new JSA drawn by Dale Eaglesham and was really impressed with the way that book is looking. I decided that the characters were cool enough and thought I might take a stab at drawing one of them. This is a pencil head shot of the character Liberty Belle. She is the romantic interest of the superhero Hourman in the comic.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The above image is me attempting to work with Photoshop 7. I am by no means an expert in Photoshop and am just stumbling through some basics. I drew the image in a more contrasted style and then colored it up and finished by using the smudge pencil filter.