The Incredible Hulk

Green Lantern

On Sunday I was a the supermarket getting ready to get in the check out line when a man fell off of his scooter and started having a diabetic seizure. Having seen this sort of thing before I helped him up with the help of a nurses aid that happened to be in the check out line as well. We got him situated and I had the store manager get some OJ and a piece of chocolate to get his blood sugar back up. I called 911 and the paramedic came and took over for me. He was very thankful for my help and I left there feeling as if I had made a difference in somebody's day. Man that was a thrill. Then Monday and Tuesday roll around and all heck broke loose at my job. It seemed as if everyone had a problem and it was with me. The sad thing is that all of the problems they had with me I had absolutely no control over. I did the best that I could to help smooth things out but man oh man, talk about stress.
I did however manage to finish the pinup that I was talking about. As soon as I get permission from the publisher I'll post it here. Additionally, I am almost done with the second issue of Full Moon Craze. The last page is a double page spread and I am very pleased with the way that it is turning out. I hope to post it shortly after completing it. Well that is the last few days since my last blog, some of it was up and some of it was down but all of it was living and that is all any of us can do...
until the next blog, peace.
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